Trademark registration, Trademark Registration in India, Ebizfiling, Trademark class 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes

Products and services are classified by according to specific categories (also called Classes). Trademarks have to be applied or registered under such specific class or classes as may be applicable. Herewith we are presenting an all inclusive guide to Class 11 of the Trademark Classification!

Table of Content

Trademark Class 31

Trademark Class 31 pertains to Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt

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Comprehensive list of goods classified under Trademark Class 31.

  • Live animals, organisms for breeding
  • Agricultural and aquacultural crops, horticulture and forestry products
  • Foodstuffs and fodder for animals
  • Bedding and litter for animals

A detailed list of goods classified under Trademark Class 31


Algae for human or animal consumption / seaweed for human or animal consumption Fruit residue [marc] / marc Plants, dried, for decoration
Algarovilla for animal consumption Garden herbs, fresh Pollen [raw material]
Almonds [fruits] Garlic, fresh Potatoes, fresh
Aloe vera plants Grains [cereals] Poultry, live
Animal foodstuffs Grains for animal consumption By-products of the processing of cereals, for animal consumption / residual products of cereals for animal consumption
Animal fattening preparations / livestock fattening preparations Grapes, fresh Rape cake for cattle
Products for animal litter Groats for poultry Residue in a still after distillation
Live animals Hay Rhubarb, fresh
Aromatic sand for pets [litter] Hazelnuts Rice meal for forage
Artichokes, fresh Herrings, live Rice, unprocessed
Bagasses of cane [raw material] Hop cones Roots for food
Raw barks Hops Rose bushes
Barley Juniper berries Rough cork
Beans, fresh Kola nuts / cola nuts Rye
Beet, fresh Leeks, fresh Salmon, live
Berries, fresh fruits Lemons, fresh Salt for cattle
Beverages for pets Lentils, fresh Sanded paper for pets [litter]
Bird food Lettuce, fresh Sardines, live
Bran Lime for animal forage Sea-cucumbers, live
Bran mash for animal consumption Linseed for animal consumption / flaxseed for animal consumption Seed germ for botanical purposes
Bred stock Linseed meal for animal consumption / flaxseed meal for animal consumption Seedlings
Cereal seeds, unprocessed Litter peat Seeds for planting / plant seeds
Chestnuts, fresh Lobsters, live Edible sesame, unprocessed
Edible chews for animals Locust beans, raw Shellfish, live
Chicory roots Maize Shrubs / bushes
Chicory, fresh Maize cake for cattle Silkworm eggs
Christmas trees Malt for brewing and distilling Silkworms
Citrus fruit, fresh Mash for fattening livestock Spinach, fresh
Cocoa beans, raw Meal for animals Spiny lobsters, live
Coconut shell Menagerie animals Squashes, fresh / marrows, fresh
Coconuts Mushroom spawn for propagation Stall food for animals
Copra Mushrooms, fresh Straw mulch
Crayfish, live Mussels, live Straw litter
Crustaceans, live Nettles Straw [forage]
Cucumbers, fresh Nuts [fruits] Strengthening animal forage
Cuttle bone for birds Oats Sugarcane
Distillery waste for animal consumption Oil cake / cattle cake Trees
Dog biscuits Olives, fresh Truffles, fresh
Draff Onions, fresh vegetables Trunks of trees
Preparations for egg laying poultry Oranges, fresh Tuna, live
Eggs for hatching, fertilised Oysters, live Turf, natural / sod
Fish spawn Palm trees Undressed timber
Fish, live Palms [leaves of the palm tree] Unsawn timber
Fish meal for animal consumption Peanut meal for animals Vegetables, fresh
Fishing bait, live Peanut cake for animals Vine plants
Flax meal [fodder] Peanuts, fresh Wheat
Flower bulbs / bulbs Peas, fresh Wheat germ for animal consumption
Flowers, natural Peppers [plants] Wood chips for the manufacture of wood pulp
Flowers, dried, for decoration Pet food Wreaths of natural flowers
Fodder / cattle food / forage Pine cones Yeast for animal consumption
Fruit, fresh Plants

About Ebizfiling -

EbizFiling is a concept that emerged with the progressive and intellectual mindset of like-minded people. It aims at delivering the end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad in all the best possible ways.
To know more about our services and for a free consultation, get in touch with our team on or call 9643203209.

Author: ishita

Ishita Ramani is a young woman entrepreneur and currently the Operations Director at Ebizfiling India Private Limited. In her entire career so far, she has led a team of 50+ professionals like CA, CS, MBAs and retired bankers. Apart from her individual experience on almost every facet of Indian Statutory Compliances, she has been instrumental in setting up operations at! Read about her journey at-

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