Get Your

Digital Signature

Buy Class 2 & Class 3 Digital Signatures for Income tax returns, ROC Forms, GST and Tenders. Prices start at INR 1999/- only.

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CA/CS Assisted | 4.8/5 Rating

What is Digital Signature Certificate?

All you need to know

A Digital Signature certificate (DSC) is the equivalent of a physical signature in an electronic format, as it establishes the identity of the sender of an electronic document on the Internet. It comes in the form of a USB E-Token, wherein the Digital Signature Certificate is stored and can be accessed through a computer to sign documents electronically.There are three types of Digital Signatures, Class I, Class II and Class III Digital Signature.

Who requires Digital Signature Certificate under MCA21?

Under MCA21 all the authorized signatories of company and professionals who sign the manual documents and returns filed with ROC is required to obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). Therefore following personnel have to procure Digital Signature Certificate:

  • Directors
  • CA’s/Auditors
  • Company Secretary – Whether in practice or in job.
  • Bank Officials – for Registration and Satisfaction of Charges
  • Other Authorized Signatories.Credentials required with Application Form

Why Ebizfiling as Service Provider for getting your Digital Signature Certificate?

Ebizfiling is a group of intellectuals. The entire team of Ebizfiling consists of Highly qualified CA, CS, Lawyers and business administrators. Ebizfiling would be a one stop destination for Digital Signature Certificate. We also provide services like Start up advisory, Secretarial compliance services, PAN / TAN application, DIN allotment, GST registration, Trademark registration, GST / Income tax return filing and many more.

You may get in touch with our compliance manager on 09643203209 or email for free consultation.

Simple Prices No Surprises

Choose Your Package




(All Inclusive)

  • Class 3 DSC - MCA, Income-tax and GST purpose (duration 2 years)



(All Inclusive)

  • Class 3 Organisation DSC



(All Inclusive)

  • DSC For use in DGFT/Tenders (2 Years)

All about Digital Signature Certificate

Points to make your decision easy

Class II DSC

Class II Digital Signatures are used for Income Tax E-Filing, Company, OPC and LLP Incorporation, Annual Return Filing & GST. Class II Digital Signatures are required to file documents electronically with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GST and Income Tax Department.


Class III Digital Signatures provide the highest level of security and are used for E-Auctions and E-Tendering. All government entities usually require Class III Digital Signatures for the tendering process. This certificate will be issued to individuals as well as organizations.


Digital Signatures usually come with a validity of 1 or 2 years. Digital Signatures must be renewed before expiry. DSC is issued in a pen drive like a token. A subscriber should be well aware of its certificate validity to avoid probable business loss due to expired certificate.

Documents Required for DSC Application

Quick Checklist

  • One Passport Size Photo
  • Duly filed and signed DSC form ( provided by us)
  • Self-attested copy of passport
  • Self-attested copy of address proof

How to obtain Digital Signature?


5 Easy Steps


Complete simple form


Submit Documents


Verification of documents


Processing of Application


Your DSC is ready

Ebizfiling, FAQ's on Appointment of Auditor

FAQs On DSC Application

Get answers to all your queries

  • What is a Digital Signature?

    A digital signature is a very simple, secure, convenient, and a time-saving way of signing electronic documents or authenticating certain online transactions. Technically, it is a code, unique to the person who is signing the electronic document or authenticating the transaction.

  • What is ‘DSC’?

    DSC is short for Digital Signature Certificate.

  • What is the difference between a digital signature a digital certificate and a digital signature certificate (DSC)?

    These terms are practically used interchangeably to refer to a digital signature.

  • Is a digital signature legally valid?

    Yes, the Information Technology Act 2000 in India has given legal validity to digital signatures.

  • Can a documented sign with a digital signature be considered as valid evidence?

    Yes, the Indian Evidence Act, 1858 has been modified and amended on lines with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and thus any electronic document signed with a valid digital signature is considered a valid piece of evidence similar to a physical document signed with a hand-written signature.

  • Why has the usage of digital signatures in India increased dramatically in recent years?

    The Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA), Government of India (GoI) has initiated the MCA21 program, for easy and secure access to MCA services in a manner that best suits the businesses and citizens. MCA21 is envisioned to provide anytime and anywhere services to businesses. It is a pioneering program being the first mission mode e-governance project being undertaken in India.
    Besides, use of digital signature has also been made mandatory for certain transactions. In certain cases, though usage of a digital signature is not mandatory, it offers a lot of convenience over the traditional methods.

    Thus, the usage of digital signatures has increased dramatically in India in recent years and is very much likely to increase further.

  • Can two or more people have the same digital signature?

    No, a digital signature is unique and thus two or more individuals/entities cannot have the same digital signature.

  • Can a digital signature be forged?

    It is practically impossible to forge a digital signature. It is secure and has been applied online for authentication. Thus it is more secure than a hand-written signature which can be seen and potentially imitated by any person who sees a document bearing the hand-written signature.

  • What is the validity of the digital signature?

    You can choose to obtain a digital signature of 1 year or 2-year validity from the date of issuance.

  • What happens after 1 year or 2 years?

    After expiry of the validity period, the digital signature becomes invalid. You can then obtain a valid digital signature by following a simple procedure.

  • Which Cities do you provide your services? provides DSC Application all across India. You can obtain DSC Application in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Nagpur, Jaipur or any other cities easily with us.

  • Still, have confusion?

    Don’t worry!! Our expert will help you to choose a best suitable plan for you. Get in touch with our team to get all your queries resolved. Write to us at or call us @+91 9643 203 209.

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