

Memorandum needs to be changed when there’s change in object or liability or capital. Prices starting at INR 5999/- only.

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What is Amendment to Memorandum?

All you need to know

To change the objects or aims and objectives of your business, you need to amend the Memorandum of Association. The MoA contains the object clause. This is not at all difficult. There’s a well-defined procedure for the same.  For example, one mistake most companies make is to include several areas in the main objects. This will not be approved. For example, if you are in the IT business, you can cover all software services in the main objects, but other services, such as hardware, trading of related items must be included in ancillary objects.


Changes to the Memorandum of Association of a company would require the passing of a special resolution and shareholders consent. Other Changes to Memorandum can include changing the name of a company, changing registered office from state to state, alteration of objects clause, alteration of a capital clause or an increase of authorized capital.


Suggested Read: Difference between Memorandum of Association and Article of Association is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Memorandum Amendment procedure with Ebizfiling is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with! Apart from Memorandum Amendment Procedure, also helps entrepreneurs with ROC Compliances, LLP Annual Filing, OPC Annual Filing, Company Annual Filing and all other compliances easily. You may get in touch with our compliance manager on 09643203209 or email for free consultation.

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Choose Your Package



(All Inclusive)

  • Notice of EGM+ Explanatory Statement
  • Board Resolution
  • Special Resolution
  • Revised MOA
  • Form MGT 14 filing for Special resolution
  • Amendment MOM/AOA of Private Limited Company (Authorized capital up to 1 lakh)-



(All Inclusive)

  • Notice of EGM+ Explanatory Statement
  • Board Resolution
  • Special Resolution
  • Revised MOA
  • Form MGT 14 filing for Special resolution
  • Amendment MOM/AOA of Private Limited Company (Authorized capital up to 40 lakhs)

When Memorandum is to be Amended?

Points to make your decision easy

Object Clause Change

Lawful objects can only be stated and included in the objects clause of the memorandum of association, whether the company engages in all those activities or not. Any activity which contravenes the objects clause and is not expressly mentioned in the Memorandum of Association would be considered beyond a company’s powers.

Name Clause

The name of the company must end with  ‘Limited’ in the case of limited companies and ‘Private Limited’ in the case of a private limited company. The Companies Act, 2013 states that a company cannot be registered with an undesirable name.

Liability Clause

The Memorandum of Association must state whether the company is limited by shares or by guarantee. Also, the Memorandum of Association must mention that the liability of its members is limited.

Situation Clause

The Memorandum of Association must mention the State in which the registered office of the company will be located. The domicile of the company must be stated for determination of jurisdiction of Court, GST authorities, tax authorities, and ROC.

Capital Clause

The Memorandum of Association of a company having share capital is required to show the amount of share capital with which the company is being registered, and the division therefor into shares of fixed value.

MOA/AOA Amendment-Process Flow


5 Easy Steps


Submit Documents


Preparation of Resolutions


Preparation of Forms


Drafting of Revised MOA


Filing of Forms with MCA

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