Copyright Registration, Copyright Protection, Copyright Disclaimer, Copyright Owners, Ebizfiling

15 Frequently Asked Questions on Copyright Registration


Copyright is a valuable right that protects original works from unauthorized copying. While registration is not mandatory in India, it is important to understand the concept of copyright and its implications. In this article, we will address common FAQs related to copyright registration in India, including the definition of copyright, copyright disclaimer, rights of copyright owners, and many more questions.

Frequently Asked Questions on Copyright

1. What is Copyright?

Copyright also known as author’s right, refers to the legal protection granted to creators over their literary and artistic works. It covers a wide range of works, including books, music, paintings, films, computer programs, databases, advertisements, maps, and technical drawings.

2. What is a Copyright Disclaimer?

A copyright disclaimer, as per Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, establishes the “fair use” of copyrighted material for purposes such as review, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, learning, and research. It clarifies that the use is not intended to infringe upon the copyright holder’s rights.

3. Is Copyright Registration Mandatory in India?

No, copyright registration is not mandatory in India. The law recognizes copyright protection from the moment the original work is created and fixed in a tangible form.

4. What can be protected under copyright?

Works commonly protected by copyright worldwide include literary works (novels, poems, articles), computer programs, films, music compositions, artwork, architecture, and technical drawings. Copyright protects expressions, not ideas or procedures.

5. What rights does copyright give me as an author?

Copyright grants economic rights (financial rewards) and moral rights. Economic rights allow authorization or prevention of uses like reproduction, public performance, recording, broadcasting, translation, and adaptation. Moral rights protect non-economic interests.

6. What is the significance of the © symbol?

The © symbol indicates copyright claim, but it’s no longer a legal requirement in most countries. However, many right owners still use it to emphasize copyright protection and reserved rights.

7. Can software or mobile apps be copyrighted?

Yes, computer programs and software are considered literary works and receive automatic copyright protection without registration, although the process may vary in some countries.

8. What are the limitations and exceptions to copyright owners?

Limitations and exceptions in national legislation allow certain uses of works without authorization or remuneration. Examples include quotations, using news, and creating accessible formats for print-disabled individuals.

9. What is “fair use”?

“Fair use” or “fair dealing” refers to general clauses or specific limitations and exceptions in different legal systems that allow certain uses of copyrighted material without infringing on the rights holder’s interests.

10. What does “public domain” mean?

When a work is in the public domain, it no longer has an active rights owner due to copyright expiration. Works like Homer’s Odyssey can be used or exploited without authorization or remuneration. Authors can also voluntarily place their works in the public domain through “voluntary relinquishment” procedures.

11. How long does copyright protection last?

Copyright protection typically lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus a certain number of years after their death. The duration of copyright varies depending on the country and the type of work.

12. How do I obtain permission to use copyrighted works?

To use copyrighted works legally, you generally need to obtain permission from the copyright owner. This can be done by contacting the owner directly or through licensing agreements, which may involve payment of royalties or licensing fees.

13. What is the difference between a copyright and a trademark?

Copyright protects original works of authorship, while trademarks protect brands, logos, and names associated with goods or services. Copyright focuses on the expression of an idea, while trademarks are concerned with protecting the source or origin of goods or services.

14. Can the copyright be transferred or licensed?

Copyright can be transferred or licensed to others through agreements, such as assignments or licenses. These agreements define the rights granted to the recipient, the duration of the transfer or license, and any associated royalties or fees.

15. Can the copyright be transferred or licensed?

Copyright can be transferred or licensed to others through agreements, such as assignments or licenses. These agreements define the rights granted to the recipient, the duration of the transfer or license, and any associated royalties or fees.

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Author: siddhi-jain

Siddhi Jain (B.A.LLB) is a young and passionate Content Writer at Ebizfiling Private Limited. She enjoys reading and writing about legal topics and simplifying complex legal concepts for a wider audience. Her goal is to continue growing as a content writer and to become a subject matter expert in legal and business topics.

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