DIR 3 KYC Due Date, Ebizfiling

DIR 3 KYC Extension likely


As per sources, we have come to know that MCA has already extended the due date of filing DIR 3 KYC for directors. The due date has been extended to 15th October 2019 from the existing due date 30th September 2019.


Know more on what is DIR 3 KYC and who should file it?


However, official notification for the same is still awaited.


This decision has been taken because MCA’s site has been facing technical glitches and corporates and professionals are finding it difficult to upload the KYC Forms or even web based KYC.


If official notification is issued, the filing fees of Rs. 5,000/- shall be applicable & payable on all delayed filings w.e.f 16th October 2019.


Disclaimer : This information has been recieved via MCA Helpdesk and Official notification for the same is still awaited.

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Author: ravi

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