FAQs on Form 15CA and 15CB

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): A Guide to Understanding Form 15CA and Form 15CB

The Indian Income Tax Department requires Forms 15CA and 15CB to facilitate overseas transactions and guarantee that tax requirements are followed. Remittances from Indian citizens to non-residents or international organizations are strictly regulated using these forms.


This blog will address commonly asked questions (FAQs) on Form 15CA and Form 15CB such as how to file Form 15CA and 15CB, offering information on their importance, prerequisites, and filing processes.

Form 15CA: What is it?

When sending money to a foreign or non-resident entity, a person must submit Form 15CA, a declaration form. The Income Tax Department uses it as a tool to track, monitor, and make sure that overseas remittances are under tax laws. Information including the recipient’s details, the amount of the transaction, and the type and purpose of the remittance are all recorded in Form 15CA.

Form 15CB: What is it?

A chartered accountant (CA) can certify the tax implications of a proposed remittance by issuing a certificate on Form 15CB. It gives information about the type of remittance, the Income Tax Act’s applicable requirements, and the rate of tax exemption or deduction, if any. For remittances beyond certain criteria, Form 15CB is necessary and serves as a supporting document to Form 15CA.

When is the Form 15CA required?

A person who remits money to a non-resident or foreign entity must file Form 15CA and if the total amount of those transfers exceeds Rs. 5 lakhs during a fiscal year then both forms, 15CA and 15CB. However, according to the Income Tax Rules, some specific remittances may not need to be filed on Form 15CA in certain situations.


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What details must be included in Form 15CA?


Details like these must be provided by the declarant in Form 15CA,

  • Information about the remitter: name, email address, permanent account number (PAN), and address.
    Details about the remittee: name, address, place of residence, and, if provided, PAN or Tax Identification Number (TIN).
  • Type and objective of remittance: An explanation of the transaction’s nature and the remittance’s goal.
    The remittance amount: The remittance’s value is expressed in Indian rupees.

In what ways does Form 15CB vary from Form 15CA?

  • Forms 15CA and 15CB are connected to overseas remittances, but they have distinct uses.
  • Form 15CA: Remitter-filed declaration form attesting to tax law compliance and including remittance details.
    A certificate from a chartered accountant attesting to compliance with the Income Tax Act and the tax implications of the intended remittance is known as Form 15CB.

How Do I File Form 15CB And 15CA?

Use these procedures when you get questions like how to file Form 15CA and 15CB,


Obtain Form 15CB: Assign a chartered accountant to draft and publish Form 15CB attesting to the remittance’s income tax implications.
Complete Form 15CA: Enter the information requested in Form 15CA, including the remitter’s and remittee’s details, the kind and purpose of the transaction, and the payment amount.
Fill Out Forms: Using the online gateway designated by the Income Tax Department, submit Forms 15CA and 15CB to the approved bank.
Obtain Acknowledgment: After accepting your submission, get a certificate or acknowledgment number from the authorized bank.


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The submission of Forms 15CA and 15CB is necessary to facilitate overseas transactions and guarantee that tax laws are followed. By comprehending the prerequisites and protocols for submitting these documents, taxpayers can effectively manage the intricacies of international commercial dealings and satisfy their tax responsibilities.


Form 15CA and Form 15CB knowledge is essential for seamless compliance and effective handling of foreign remittances, whether you’re an income tax professional or a business owner. Thus, accept the information and give yourself the tools you need to confidently and negotiate the complexities of cross-border transactions.

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