
Trademark Class 4: Lubricants and industrial oils and greases, waxes and fluids.

Trademark registration, Trademark Registration in India, Ebizfiling, Trademark class 4: Lubricants and industrial oils and greases, waxes and fluids

Products and services are classified by according to specific categories (also called Classes). Trademarks have to be applied or registered under such class or classes as may be applicable. Herewith we are presenting an all-inclusive guide to Class 4 […]

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Trademark Class 2: Paints, varnishes, lacquers, Dyes, colorants, pigments and inks.

Trademark registration, Trademark Registration in India, Ebizfiling, Trademark class 2, Paints, varnishes, lacquers, Dyes, colorants, pigments and inks.

Products and services are classified by according to specific categories (also called Classes). Trademarks have to be applied or registered under such class or classes as may be applicable. Herewith, we are presenting an all-inclusive guide to Class 2 […]

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Trademark Class 1: Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry

Trademark registration, Trademark Registration in India, Ebizfiling, Trademark class 1, Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry

Products and services are classified by according to specific categories (also called Classes). Trademarks have to be applied or registered under such class or classes as may be applicable. Herewith, we are presenting an all-inclusive guide to Class 1 […]

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