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Extension of Name Reservation Application

Now you can reserve a name for your company / LLP for a few extra days. Apply for Extension in Company / LLP Name reservation period with Ebizfiling. Prices starts at INR 2000/- only.

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Extension of Name Reservation Application

All you should know

Company / LLP Name Reservation

When you intent to start a company, it is significant to select a suitable name. Once you have a name for your company, it is essential to reserve a company name as reserving the name establishes your intent to use it and prevents others from claiming it in the meantime. To make the application for the company name reservation is the first step towards the company incorporation process.


The application for the company name reservation shall be applied in Part A of SPICe + form. Once the MCA approves the name, the MCA will reserve the name for 20 days and in those 20 days the applicant needs to submit the remaining documents and complete the Company Incorporation process.


The applicant must file the form for incorporation within such period otherwise the name will expire and the new name application will have to be filed with an additional fee.

Extension in the period of reservation of company name

  • As per the Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2020 notified Rule 9A of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 for Extension of reservation of name in certain cases.
  • Under the rule the Registrar shall extend the period of a name reserved under rule 9 up to 60 days on Payment of Fees.
  • Rule 9A is in respect of Extension of reservation of name in certain cases upon payment of fees through the web service available at, the Registrar shall extend the period of a name reserved under rule 9 by using web service SPICe+ (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically Plus: INC-32) in various cases.

Government Fees for the Extension in reservation of company name

Table showing fees and extension period for the name reservation

Extension Period

Fees to be paid

Application to be made before

40 days

INR 1000/-

Expiry of 20 days from the date of approval

60 days

INR 2000/-

Expiry of 40 days (if extension of 20 days taken)

60 days

INR 3000/-

Expiry of 20 days from the date of approval

Why Ebizfiling as your service provider for your Name extension  in India? is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients all over the world. Extension of Name Reservation is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with us. In India we provide services like Start up advisory, Secretarial compliance services, Private Limited Company registration services, Trademark registration and many more. To extend the time period in Company Name Reservation in India online you may get in touch with our compliance manager on 09643203209 or email for free consultation.

Prices for Extension of Company Name Reservation



(All Inclusive)

  • Extension for 20 days



(All Inclusive)

  • Extension for 40 days



(All Inclusive)

  • Extension for 60 days

Provisions for the extension in reservation of company name

  • Forty days from the date of approval under rule 9, on payment of fees of rupees of one thousand rupees, made before the expiry of twenty days from the date of approval under rule 9.
  • Sixty days from the date of approval under rule 9 on payment of fees of rupees two thousand, made before the expiry of forty days referred to in clause (a) above.
  • Sixty days from the date of approval under rule 9 on payment of fees of rupees three thousand, made before the expiry of twenty days from the date of approval under rule 9.

Details required for the Application for extension in reservation of company name

  • MCA login credentials
  • Name application SRN
  • Name approval letter

Process for the extension of the company name


5 Easy Steps


Fill in the simple checklist


Choose the period for extension


Submit the details


verification of the details


Application for the extension

Fill in the simple checklist

A Compliance Manager will get in touch with you to obtain your documents and details along with a simple checklist. You need to fill up that checklist and submit along with your documents for processing. Our team of experts will verify the documents provided by you and take the procedure further for the extension of name.

Verification of the details

Once our expert team completes the verification process of your documents, the team will proceed with application for the extension of the reservation period. Throughout the process, your dedicated Compliance Manager will keep you updated on the progress of the extension for the period of name reservation application.

Application for the extension

Our team will proceed with the application for the extension in the reservation of the company name by entering the same credentials that you used for the first time. You may choose the period of extension for 40 days, 60 days to be counted from the expiry of 40 days or 60 days to be counted from the expiry of 20 days.

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FAQs on the extension of name reservation period

Answers to all your queries

  • What form is required to be filed for the Extension of name reservation period?

    The application for the extension of name reservation period shall be filed in SPICe+ form only.

  • Do I need to create different login ID and password on MCA for the application of the extension of the name reservation?

    No, you can file the application for the extension in the period of name reservation by using the same login credentials that you used earlier.

  • For how many days can be applied with ROC?

    You may apply for the extension in name reservation period for 40 days ( before Expiry of 20 days from the date of approval ), for 60 days ( before the expiry of forty days) and 60 days (before the expiry of 20 days).

  • Which cities do you provide your services in? provides its services all across India. You can apply for the extension of the name reservation in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Nagpur, Jaipur or any other cities easily with us.

  • Have some questions?

    Our expert will help you in choosing the best suitable plan for you. Get in touch with our team to get all your queries resolved. Write to us at or call us @+91 9643 203 209.

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