FAQs: Trademark Assignments in India

Some FAQs on the Trademark Assignment in India


Trademark assignment is an important process in India that involves the transfer of company ownership from one individual to another. It is essential for businesses and individuals to understand the trademark transfer process and the legalities involved. In this article, we will address 12 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about trademark assignment in India.

Frequently Asked Questions on Trademark Assignment in India

1. What is a trademark assignment?   

A trademark assignment, also known as a trademark transfer, refers to the process of transferring the ownership of a brand from one party to another. It involves the complete transfer of all rights, title, and interest in the trademark.

2. What is a trademark assignment agreement?  

A trademark assignment agreement is a legal document that formalizes the sign-over of the brand ownership. It outlines the terms and conditions of the appointment of the brand, including the rights and obligations of both parties involved. This agreement is crucial to ensure a smooth and lawful appointment of the trademark.

3. What are the documents required for trademark assignment in India?  

4. Can a trademark assignment be partial?  

Yes, it can be partial. It is possible to transfer only a part of the rights, title, and interest in a trademark, as long as both parties agree and the terms are clearly stated in the assignment agreement.

5. Can a trademark assignment be challenged?  

Yes, a trademark transfer/ assignment can be challenged if it is found to be in violation of any legal provisions or if there are disputes regarding the validity of the assignment agreement. It is crucial to ensure that the assignment is done in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

6. Can a trademark assignment be revoked?  

Yes, a trademark transfer/ assignment can be revoked under certain circumstances, such as non-compliance with the terms of the assignment agreement or if it is found to be fraudulent. Revocation of an assigned trademark requires legal proceedings and must be done in accordance with the law.

7. What is the difference between trademark assignment and trademark licensing?  

Trademark assignment involves the complete transfer of ownership rights in a trademark, whereas trademark licensing grants permission to another party to use the trademark while the ownership remains with the licensor. In a trademark transfer, the assignee becomes the new owner of the trademark, whereas, in trademark licensing, the licensee has limited rights to use the trademark.

8. Can a foreign entity assign a trademark in India?

Yes, a foreign entity can assign a trademark in India. However, the assignment must comply with the applicable laws and regulations, and the necessary documents must be submitted to the Trademark Registry for registration.

9. What is the process of trademark assignment?

The following is the process of trademark assignment:

  1. Filing TM-24: To transfer a trademark, an assignment agreement needs to be executed. The transfer process begins by filing TM-24 with the Registrar of Trademarks.

  1. Assignment Deed: The ownership of a trademark can be assigned either completely with goodwill or partially without goodwill. It involves a one-time payment. Even unregistered trademarks can be assigned through an assignment deed. The assignee must notify the Registrar within six months.

  1. Registration Requirements: In the case of a registered trademark, the applicant must provide details of the instrument establishing their right to the trademark. A certified copy of the instrument must be submitted for inspection at the Trademarks Registry.

  1. Unregistered Trademarks: Unregistered trademarks can also be assigned or transferred. To initiate the process, TM-16 needs to be filed for an unregistered trademark transfer.

10. What is the timeline for completing a trademark assignment in India?  

The timeline for completing a trademark transfer in India can vary depending on various factors, including the efficiency of the Trademark Registry and the complexity of the assignment. Generally, it takes around 6-12 months to complete the entire process, from drafting the agreement to the registration of the assignment.

11. What are the different types of Trademark Assignments?

The different types of trademark assignment are:

  1. Complete Assignment: The entire ownership of a trademark is transferred to a new owner, making them the sole owner with full rights and control.
  2. Partial Assignment: Ownership of a trademark is transferred for specific goods or services while retaining ownership for others.
  3. Assignment with Goodwill: The trademark is transferred along with the business or part of the business, including the associated goodwill.
  4. Assignment without Goodwill: The trademark is transferred independently, without any associated business or goodwill.

12. Why is a trademark assignment agreement important?

A trademark assignment agreement is essential because it provides clarity and certainty regarding the transfer of trademark ownership. It helps protect the interests of both the assignor (the current owner) and the assignee (the new owner).

Categories: Articles Trademark
Siddhi Jain: Siddhi Jain (B.A.LLB) is a young and passionate Content Writer at Ebizfiling Private Limited. She enjoys reading and writing about legal topics and simplifying complex legal concepts for a wider audience. Her goal is to continue growing as a content writer and to become a subject matter expert in legal and business topics.
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