Structure for Company Registration in New Mexico

What Are The Types Of Business Structure In New Mexico?


Companies starting their business journey in New Mexico must make an important selection regarding their ideal business structure. The structure you select will have a bearing on how you can run your business and secure finance. Understanding the different options available and their implications can help you make an informed choice. In this article, we will explore various business structures and provide insights into company registration in New Mexico.

What is Company Registration in New Mexico?

Company registration in New Mexico refers to the legal process through which a business entity or company is formally recognized and established as a distinct and separate entity under Mexican law. This process involves submitting the necessary documents and information to the appropriate government authorities, typically at the state or federal level, depending on the type and scope of the business.

What are the Types of Business Structures in New Mexico?

Here are the main types of business structures in New Mexico:

  1. Stock Corporation (Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable)

It is the most common structure used by Mexican businesses. The following are the main traits of the stock corporation:

  • When a stock firm is created, its “value” is divided up into shares. These shares are generally shielded by the creditors.
  • The number of shareholders who can purchase stock in a stock corporation is not limited. This means that even if your business is young, you can simply raise the required funding.
  • Despite its administrative and bureaucratic responsibilities, this structure has the greatest potential for expansion and financial success.

      2. Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada de Capital Variable)

There are fewer joint stock companies than Limited Liability Companies. Like the Stock Corporation, each LLC derives its value from shares. Examples of these additional qualities are:

  • For small and medium-sized firms, a Limited Liability Company is a highly helpful legal form.
  • Instead of paying taxes as a group, LLC members, each pay their portion through tax returns.
  • The possessions of each member are always protected. Therefore, their liability is limited to the value of the stock they own in the company.
  1. Simplified Shares Company (Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada)

The Simplified Shares Company is a different major corporate structure. These companies can also be found in Argentina and Colombia, in addition to New Mexico. It is a relatively new idea that became well-known in 2016 because of the General Law of Commercial Companies change. To make its market more accessible to international business, New Mexico is making historic moves. The government has changed business regulations to stimulate and streamline international operations to make this happen.

The Mexican Simplified Shares Company has many important characteristics, including:

  • Compared to Stock Corporations and LLCs, this corporation can be formed more quickly and at a lower cost.
  • It offers a quick client-provider route and a straightforward corporate structure, making it perfect for SMEs.
  • The primary drawback of this business structure is the cap on the annual maximum permitted revenue please do not write the exact amounts your company intends to develop above this cap, you could eventually need to adapt to a new structure.
  1. Branch Office:

A branch office is an extension of a foreign company in New Mexico. It allows the company to conduct business activities in the country without establishing a separate legal entity. The branch office operates under the regulations and legal framework of the parent company.

What are the Factors to Consider Before Choosing the Right Structure?

  • Accountability Protection: Take into account the amount of personal responsibility protection you want. LLCs and corporations offer limited liability protection, whereas sole proprietorships and partnerships expose you to unrestricted personal liability.
  • Taxation: Evaluate the tax implications of each business structure. LLCs and S corporations offer pass-through taxation, while C corporations face double taxation.
  • Operational Flexibility: Consider the level of administrative complexity and flexibility you require. Sole proprietorships and partnerships are relatively simple, while LLCs and corporations involve more formalities.
  • Funding and Growth: If you plan to raise capital or attract investors, a corporation may be more suitable due to its ability to issue shares of stock.


Choosing the right business structure is a critical step when registering a company in New Mexico. Each structure has its advantages and considerations, such as liability protection, taxation, operational flexibility, and growth potential. By understanding these factors and assessing your business needs, you can make an informed decision. Consulting with a legal or tax professional is highly recommended to ensure compliance with the registration process and legal requirements. Take the time to evaluate the options and select the structure that aligns with your long-term business goals and objectives.


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