Income Tax Deduction

ફોર્મ 10BD અને ફોર્મ 80G વચ્ચેનો તફાવત

ફોર્મ 10BD અને ફોર્મ 80G વચ્ચેના મુખ્ય તફાવતો શું છે? પરિચય  જ્યારે દાન આપવાની વાત આવે છે, ત્યારે દાતાઓ વારંવાર…

Incomes fall under the head of Income from other sources

What incomes fall under the head of Income From Other Sources? Introduction The Income Tax Act, 1961 is the most…

Categories of Professional Tax

Understanding the Different Categories of Professional Tax in India Introduction Taxes are a necessary part of life, and professional tax…

What is Professional Tax? & Professional Tax Slab in Different States

What is Professional Tax Payment And Its Due Dates?  Introduction In this article, we'll talk about professional tax payment in…

All about “How to pay Professional Tax online in Maharashtra?”

"What is Professional Tax in Maharashtra?" And "How to pay Professional Tax online in Maharashtra?" Introduction The MahaGST website makes…

What is a Professional Tax? And Who is eligible to pay Professional Tax?

A guide to the Taxpayer - What is Professional Tax? And Who is eligible to pay Professional Tax Rate? Many…