MOA: Common Disputes and their Solutions

What are the Common Disputes that Arise from MOA and How to Resolve Them?


The Memorandum of Association (MOA) serves as a vital legal document outlining the foundation and operation of a company. However, disputes can arise from breaches of contract, disagreements over changes in the MOA, financial conflicts, and intellectual property disputes. Resolving these disagreements is essential to maintain harmonious business operations. In this article, we will explore the common disputes that arise from MOAs and provide effective methods to resolve them, safeguarding your business interests.

Understanding the Memorandum of Association

The Memorandum of Association is a document that establishes a company’s name, registered office, objectives, liability, and capital details. It establishes the framework for the business’ activities and articulates its goal. The name, registered office, objects, liabilities, and capital provisions are significant sections of the memorandum of association. The corporation and its shareholders’ rights and obligations are outlined in these sections of the Memorandum of Association.

Common Disputes that Arise from MOA and How to Resolve Them?

Disputes can arise from MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) in a business. Here are some common disputes that can arise from MOA and how to resolve them, according to the search results: 

  1. Disputes over Shareholding and Ownership

Conflicts over ownership and shareholding are among the most frequent problems resulting from MOAs. These problems frequently arise when shareholders differ on how to divide, transfer, or value their shares. Conflicts resulting from divergent interpretations of MOA provisions have the potential to disrupt business operations.

Solution: The shareholding and ownership clauses of the MOA must be carefully examined to resolve such issues. Identification of the fundamental reasons for dispute can be aided by open and honest discussions amongst the parties involved. Finding just and mutually acceptable solutions might be facilitated by consulting legal professionals or mediators who have experience in corporation law. 

  1. Conflict Regarding Decision-Making Authority

Disputes over decision-making authority within the organization are another typical MOA issue. When shareholders disagree on important issues like strategic choices, the hiring of key executives, or changes to corporate policies, conflicts may result. Conflicts over who has the right to make decisions can impede growth and trigger internal power conflicts.

Solution: It is essential to analyze the decision-making terms in the MOA and make sure they are precise and clear to handle this issue. Misunderstandings can be avoided by establishing clear protocols for decision-making procedures, including voting procedures and quorum requirements. The settlement of conflicts is facilitated by encouraging constructive discourse and compromise among stakeholders through the development of a culture of open communication and collaboration. 

  1. Disputes over Profit Distribution and Dividends

Common disagreements resulting from MOAs include disagreements over profit distribution and dividend policies. Conflicts over the division of profits, dividend distribution, and retained earnings might result from divergent expectations or interpretations of the profit-sharing sections in the MOA.

Solution: Examining the relevant MOA clauses about profit distribution in detail is necessary to resolve these concerns. Consensus-building measures include open conversations and the disclosure of comprehensive financial data to interested parties. Finding just solutions that support the company’s financial goals and the interests of its stakeholders may also benefit from consulting with financial specialists or participating in mediation.

Final Thoughts

The Memorandum of Association (MOA) is a significant document for any company, but disputes can arise from breaches of contract, disagreements over changes in the MOA, financial conflicts, and intellectual property disputes. To ensure smooth business operations, it is crucial to address and resolve these disagreements effectively. By carefully reviewing the MOA, seeking legal advice, fostering open communication, and considering mediation, businesses can find fair and mutually acceptable solutions, safeguarding their interests and promoting harmonious relationships among stakeholders. Resolving MOA disagreements is essential for the successful functioning and long-term sustainability of a company.

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